Thursday, July 12, 2007

Joy in the small things

SO...I was at the Fistula clinic today. It's my Thursday job where I usually just help out with crafts and such. It hit me today as I was rolling my 10th ball of yarn that God calls us to rejoice in all things...even the small, seemingly menial tasks. The women at this clinic are young and almost all have experienced the loss of a child. Getting more "thread" as they call is may be the best thing that happens to them all day. As I was running around trying to get everyone what they needed/wanted...God just reminded me how much He loves these women. These women come from all over Sierra Leone and the people they meet at the clinic may be the only Jesus they ever see. And so, in giving out thread, helping sew, or even coloring sometimes...I need to be a light for Him. To give with a smile and a let them know that they are seen and loved. It is a blessing to serve them, no matter what job I'm doing or how little it seems. Pray for these women - that the would come to know Him.

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