Saturday, October 27, 2007

Amazing hair ordeals...

This week was quite a day at the orphanage. One would think in the first picture that they were fixing my hair...unfortunately...they were plucking my grey hairs. Somehow over the past 4 months I have had a plethora of new ones showing themselves. The kids lovingly plucked them for me.

Then, Kati and Mabinty wanted to plant (braid) my hair. Really she just twisted two pieces together through the front. It was fun!! Who needs hair color or a beauty shop :)

Sesay Family

I met the most amazing family! Fell in love with them immediately! James, the dad is a teacher at one of the local schools. Sandra, the mom, stays home and does A LOT! She had food sent for us daily, gave cucumber, and was so generous! Rebekah, the one stirring was a precious sweet and kind. She made butterscotch nightly and we could buy it very cheaply. It was delicious!!! James, Anthony, and Isatu were around to play with every night. Anthony fell asleep in my lap a couple of precious. They were one of the highlights of my trip!!! Such a blessing!!!

Patients, Patients and More Patients...

These are just a few of the kiddos we saw. There were 90 patients total. We gave out several Personal Energy Transmitters (PETs), the cars seen above. Were able to see quite a variety of cases including polio, cerebral palsy, stroke, and many other orthopedic issues. It was really great to see and interact with the kids. We also made several splints to assist the patients. All in all, it was a fantastic trip. Hopefully I will get to go back before I leave to visit some of the schools to look at environmental modifications.


What a great week in Lunsar. We were plenty busy with patients but were able to enjoy the evenings relaxing. Geraldine and I stayed with a family in their extra bedroom. It as an adventure. Some large spiders, mosquitos, and either a small mouse or large cockroach (not sure which one)! We ate lots of African food off the same was a real family affair. We even bought a deer leg on the way there. Poppy and Abu made pepper soup and was delicious!!!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Back to Life

Back to the grind in Sierra Leone after an incredible holiday! Was at the orphanage on Friday and got to see Ola. He's doing a lot better and getting stronger by the day. He's sitting better and is able to hold his head up better, for longer periods of time, etc. He's definitely progressing. Praise the Lord! All the other kids have returned to school so it was fun to see them in the uniforms and with their peers. What an awesome bunch of kids they are. So refreshing to be with them.

Giant Prawns

Have you ever seen a prawn this big????? I thought they were small lobsters at first. It was HUGE and very delicious!!! The lobsters were also gigantic. I love fresh seafood.


Lisa and Eddie are finally married. After 7 long years (especially for Eddie), they have tied the knot on the beach in Zanzibar. Praise God! What an incredible story of patience and relying on God. The wedding was beautiful. There were about 20 guests all together. It was really great!


Zanzibar was AMAZING! It had the most beautiful water I have ever seen. All different shades of blues and greens. The beaches were also quite nice. Spent most of the days just lounging on the beach hanging out with Lisa, Eddie, Steph, and the Baughmans. Truly gorgeous. Such a blessing!